Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Can I Get a Witness?

I have a friend who just completed a small group of sorts; I don't know all the ins and outs of the group, so I won't try to explain it, but in conjunction with this group, she has written her journey to share with the next group coming in. She calls it her witness. As I read her story, I was struck by the depth of the human experience. This person is not someone famous, just an "ordinary" wife and mother, and if you just met her, you wouldn't know that she had traveled on an incredible journey to where she is today. The human soul's ability to feel and change is staggering.
It occurs to me that every human being-regardless of talent, appearance, money, or intellect-has incredible stories to tell. I think this is because most of life is lived out in the ordinary, day-to-day living, not in major life moments. It is only as we see our life as a whole that we realize who we are and where we come from. This gives us context for some of the how's and why's of our life story. And that story is incredible!
My friend's Witness has inspired me to write my own. I'm about 1/10 of the way through my life, and already I can see why I feel the way I do about some things, and have some issues in other areas. And while my life story will in no way become the next great human drama novel, maybe it will encourage another on the path of life. Just as I've been encouraged by my friend's Witness.
Hmm, I wonder who will play me in the movie...

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