Monday, July 6, 2009

Today's the Day

OK, this is it. No more putting it off, no more talking myself out of it. No more telling people that I want to be a writer when I grow up. I looked in the mirror, and guess what; I'm a grown up! It's now or never, and this blog is my start. I'm committing to myself to write everyday, even if it's just useless drivel. Eventually, hopefully, the practice will turn into something more meaningful, longer, and more publishable! At this point, it doesn't matter if anyone else reads it, or likes it. I just need to DO it!
But I hope someone else reads it and likes it.

1 comment:

  1. I read it and I love it! Keep going--you're doing great!
    (By the way, this is Kristy Parson--this blog will only let me use my google id)
